I was born in Mississippi and moved around quite often as my dad was a US Navy Chaplain. I attended college at Daniel Webster College in Nashua, New Hampshire, and completed my undergraduate degree in Aviation Management. While completing my degree I was also a part of the USAF ROTC program and commissioned as a 2d Lieutenant after graduating college. While in the Air Force I served as a Navigator and crew member on a B-52 long-range bomber. In addition to my time as a B-52 navigator, I had the opportunity to become a certified controller and contracting officer specializing in small government purchases. I separated from the Air Force after the birth of my first child and supported my family and my husband as he remained in the service. After my husband retired, we moved to Montrose, and I began working on my graduate degree from Liberty University in Aeronautics. I graduated in May of 2022 and was excited to have the opportunity to help our students develop a love for learning math.