Colorado West Christian School's Parent Action Committee
Who Are We?
If you are a parent, grandparent or a legal guardian of a CWCS student, you are part of the PAC. We exist to help support our students, teachers and school to grown Christian Education in Western Colorado. Please consider getting involved. We historically support our school with teacher luncheons, back to school night, school field day, fundraisers, teacher appreciation and student scholarships.

Our families are an integral part of our school community. The Colorado West Christian School PAC (CWCS PAC) actively promotes the growth and welfare of our children in school, church and community. We strive to promote a spirit of fellowship and camaraderie through education programs and events. CWCS PAC meets on a monthly basis and welcome input from everyone in our school community.
Elaine Wolford
Vice President
Nikki Kwiatkowski
Gabrille DeSimone
Maddelon Bransom
Our mission is to achieve God's standard of excellence in all that is done. We come together as parents to unite and support our school in its entirety. It is conceived in our hearts and made a reality by God using us as parents as His vessels in our community.
Past PAC Highlights
1.) “A” Honor Breakfast
2.) Fundraisers
3.) Christmas cookie jars
4.) Restaurant give back nights
5.) Online auction for scholarships
6.) Staff lunches
7.) Curriculum scholarships
8.) Backpacks and supplies for K4 – 5th grade new students
9.) Field day (end of year celebration)
10.) Prayers for families, staff, and students
Prospective Families
Current Families
Stay Involved
2705 Sunnyside Road
Montrose, CO 81401
PHONE: 970-249-1094
© 2022 Colorado West Christian School, All Rights Reserved. Created by Hannah McCall Designs