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Katelynn Shilling Bio Pic.jpeg


My name is Katelynn Shilling. I was born and raised in the Houston, Texas area. I decided to move to Colorado before I even decided to teach here. It has always been my dream to live in the mountains where I feel closer to God through his wonderful creations. I have known Christ my whole life, but I would say I didn’t actually open my heart to Him until college. Once I finally accepted him as my Father I started to see things in a different light. 


I graduated from Texas A&M University, gig ‘em Ags, in College Station, Texas. After graduating, I started looking for jobs in Colorado. I started work for Montrose County until God decided to take me down a different route. That was when I found CWCS, and I have been loving the place God has placed me. I know this is where God wants me to be so that I will be able to impact the lives of those around me.

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