My name is Pam Christianson. I have been a math/science teacher for 18 years. I graduated from Fort Lewis College with a Bachelor of Arts with a major in mathematics in 1994 and also received my Colorado teaching certification.
I became a believer my last year of college while studying for a final. I was watching Billy Graham on TV and I accepted the Lord as my Savior during his program. Soon after that, God blessed me with the man I married after graduating from college.
I have been married to Hans Christianson for 30 years, and we have 5 children and currently 5 grandchildren.
I began teaching full time in 2006 at CWCS. I taught here for six years then moved on to the public schools where I taught off and on for about 8 years. I taught in AZ for a couple of years and then returned to Colorado and am now back teaching for CWCS.
My hobbies were my kids. We kept them busy in school activities and competitive sports. During that time, I was a USA swim official which gave me the opportunity to travel with my kids who swam competitively.
My greatest accomplishment to date is raising my 5 children and getting them to all graduate from high school. My daughters both went on to college with one getting her BSN and the other daughter graduated from college with three degrees.
My goal is to continue growing in the Lord and to hear Him one day say ,“well done, good and faithful servant.”
My joy is in the Lord and I am blessed to be part of the ministry of CWCS.